
Materi Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7 Kurikulum Merdeka English for Nusantara Chapter 4 My School Activities (Audio Script)


Materi Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7 Kurikulum Merdeka English for Nusantara Chapter 4 My School Activities (Audio Script). Buat kalian yang ingin belajar Bahasa Inggris menggunakan kurikulum merdeka, kalian bisa belajar menggunakan buku penggerak Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7 yang berjudul English for Nusantara. Buku ini dilengkapi dengan berbagai macam aktivitas yang beragam, termasuk audio script di tiap chapternya.

chapter 4 My School Activities dibagi menjadi 3 unit. Pada Unit 1, keterampilan berbahasa difokuskan pada kemampuan bahasa lisan (listening dan speaking), sedangkan Unit 2 difokuskan pada kemampuan membaca (reading). Adapun pada Unit 3 difokuskan pada kemampuan menulis (writing).

Adapun tujuan yang ingin dipelajari setelah menyelesaikan pembelajaran di chapter 2 ini adalah agar siswa dapat:

  1. talk about class schedules and school subjects; (berbicara tentang jadwal pelajaran dan berbagai mata pelajaran di sekolah)

  2. talk about online learning tips; and (berbicara tentang tips belajar online)

  3. describe one’s study habits. (mendeskripsikan kebiasaan belajar seseorang)

Unit 1 - My Class Schedule

Talking about class schedules and school subjects.

Unit 2 - My Online Class

Talking about online learning tip.

Unit 3 - My Study Habits

Describing one’s study habits.

Untuk kalian yang ingin belajar script apa saja yang ada di chapter 4 My School Activities, yuk cek audio scriptnya di bawah ini.

Audio 4.1 Script:



Art and





Information and

Communication Technology (ICT)





Education (PE)



Civic Education

Audio 4.2 Script:

Dialogue 1

Galang : Do you have Natural Sciences on Wednesday?

Leli : No, I don’t.

Dialogue 2

Supri  : What do you have on Monday?

Sinta  : I have PE, English, and Maths on Monday.

Dialogue 3

Andre  : When does Yusi have ICT?

Ardi  : She has ICT on Tuesday.

Audio 4.3 Script:

Galang : Kak Sinta, do you have English on Tuesday?

Sinta  : No, I don't. Why are you asking?

Galang : I just want to borrow your dictionary. I have English on that day.

Sinta  : Sure, go ahead. Anyway, I have English on Monday and Wednesday.

Galang : Oh, great! My English class is on Tuesday and Thursday.

Sinta  : All right then. You can use my dictionary on Tuesday or Thursday.

Galang : Thanks, Kak Sinta.

Sinta  : Anytime.

Audio 4.4 Script:

Dialogue 1

Yusi  : What time do you have Indonesian Language?

Ika : I have Indonesian Language on Monday at 11 o’clock.

Dialogue 2

Deni  : What time does Galang have English?

Rinda : He has English on Friday at 8 o’clock.

Dialogue 3

Galang : What time do you have Social Sciences?

Andre  : I have Social Sciences on Thursday at 10.20.

Audio 4.5 Script:

Dialogue 1

A : When do you have Natural Science?

B : I have Natural Science on Tuesday.

Dialogue 2

A : When do you have Physical Education (PE)?

B : I have Physical Education (PE) on Tuesday.

Dialogue 3

A : When does she have Art and Culture?

B : She has Art and Culture on Wednesday.

Dialogue 4

A : What time do you have Social Sciences?

B : I have Social Sciences at 1.30.

Dialogue 5

A : What time does he have Maths?

B : He has Maths on Monday at 8.40.

Audio 4.6 Script

Table 4.1 




What do you have on Monday?

I have PE, English, and Maths on Monday.

What time do you have Social Sciences?

I have Social Sciences on Thursday at 10.20.

What time does she have English?

She has English on Wednesday at 01:30. 

What time does he have Maths? 

He has Maths on Thursday at 08:40.


When do you have Indonesian Language?

I have Indonesian Language on Tuesday and Wednesday.

When does she have Art and Culture?

She has Art and Culture on Friday.

When does he have ICT?

He has ICT on Tuesday.

Audio 4.7 Script:

My Class Schedule

Hello. This is my school schedule. I study at school from Monday to Friday. I start my school activities at 8 o’clock in the morning. I don’t have any class on Monday at 8 o’clock because we have a Flag Ceremony. From Monday to Thursday, I go home from school at about 3 o’clock in the afternoon. I only have two classes on Friday so I go home before noon. Now, let me talk about some school subjects. My favorite subjects are English, Natural Sciences and Art and Culture. I have English on Tuesday and Thursday. On Monday and Wednesday I have Natural Sciences. Finally, I have Art and Culture on Friday.

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